Big Ticket Raffles are for our members only. Please visit the Members Only page ticket information.
Next Big Ticket Raffle is for:
Daiwa Tanacom 750 Electric Reel. Drawing at March meeting.
Past months raffle items
Clam Gun at October Meeting
$500.00 Swain's Gift Card. Drawing at September meeting.
Rainshadow downrigger rod.
Daiwa Tanacom 750 Electric halibut reel. Drawing at May Meeting.
Halibut trip for 2 with John Beath, SquidPro Tackle, out of Port Angeles April 2024
$500.00 Gift Certificate for Swain's
Trac Line Hauler/Pot Puller, Model T10250
A pair of Mustang MD3183 hydrostatic life vests
Daiwa Tanacom 750 electric reel with Sensi halibut rod
Scotty Downrigger
A used donated Trac Line Hauler / Pot Puller for crab and shrimp pots.
2 downrigger rod/reels. Reels are Shimano model Tekota 300LC. June 15
Halibut trip for 2 with John Beath out of Sekiu on May 28th.
Ling Cod/Rockfish Trip for 2.
Steelhead float trip.
Wilderness Pontoon Boat from Costco.
October 2021 Vortex Diamondback 8X42 Binoculars.
September 2021 Tuna trip.
Volunteer Appreciation and club picnic will be August 17th at the Elk's Lodge. This will be a potluck with raffle prizes available to win.
Members and family welcome. More information to follow.
2025 Donation Thank You Letter from North Olympic Salmon Coalition - NOSC
WDFW launches beta version of Fish Washington 2.0 mobile app 2/15/2024
$1000.00 donation to Fiero Marine Life Center in Port Angeles
Port of Port Angeles Web Cameras
New Fire Extinguisher requirements effective April 2022
Current News Updates from WDFW
2024-2025 Fishing Regulations Electronic version
Puget Sound Anglers North Olympic Peninsula Chapter
Welcome to the website for the North Olympic Peninsula chapter of the Puget Sound Anglers. We are dedicated to preserving quality fisheries. We believe that our fisheries resources can be restored to what they should be with sound science and appropriate management techniques.
Our Fishing Club Sponsors
Our fishing club is privileged to have the support of many fine sponsors. They help us achieve our club goals with their financial support and contributions.
Our Meetings
We meet monthly to share fishing information and to hear from professional biologists, guides and local experts on topics pertinent to the Olympic Peninsula.
Recent topics have included: the Elwha dam removal, techniques for fishing for halibut and Bottomfish/Rockfish identification.
We have a members only raffle at each meeting ($1.00 tickets) for fishing gear like lures, tools and rods. It's a great way to add to your tackle box and as everyone knows, "you can never have too much tackle".

Great Places to Fish: The Hoh River above the Oxbow Campground boat ramp. Photo by Sherry Anderson